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39 Ways to Live Not Merely Exist
"Too often we go through life on autopilot, going through the motions and having each day pass like the one before it... If you want to truly live life, to really experience it, to enjoy it to the fullest, instead of barely scraping by and only living a life of existence, then you need to find ways to break free from the mold and drink from life. What follows is just a list of ideas, obvious ones... posted on Jul 28 2013, 296,144 reads


A World Without Landfills
These two local heroes changed the tide of their communities through a deep commitment to nurture a healthy planet and unwavering courage to follow their hearts' calling. They're part of a "growing global movement to significantly reduce the amount of trash we produce as communities, cities, countries and even regions. It's called the zero-waste movement...Adilla is a grassroots recycler -- also ... posted on Jul 27 2013, 22,727 reads


Orchestra of the Wild
In this fascinating report which includes actual sounds of the wild, Bernie Krause, known as the father of soundscape ecology, describes how he came to record the voice of the natural world. There wasn't a single experienced or knowledgeable audio technician on whom he could rely. He went forward into a hitherto uncharted territory to discover more than he bargained for. Read on about some of his ... posted on Jul 26 2013, 21,502 reads


7 Paths to a Meaningful Life
Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo, a giant in the field of social psychology, delivered a commencement address at the University of Puget Sound in May. He is now a professor at Palo Alto University, a professor emeritus at Stanford University, and the president of the Heroic Imagination Project. In the speech Dr. Zimbardo lays out seven paths to personal happiness and collective well-being based on insight... posted on Jul 25 2013, 119,817 reads


The Development Paradox
"There you go", an illustrated e-book, tells the story of briefcase-wielding officials interested in "bringing sustainable development" to a forest-dwelling tribe. After interacting with the tribe, they find that it is already sustainable and perhaps doesn't need additional "development," yet the officials push ahead with their plans. At its core, the story is about different cultures and the con... posted on Jul 24 2013, 6,991 reads


Find Your Moment of Obligation
People who successfully tackle big social, environmental, and economic problems are driven by what Lara Galinsky of Echoing Green calls a moment of obligation -- a specific time in their life when they felt compelled to act. These moments become their North Star and keep them going in a positive direction when everything seems dark. Activists or social entrepreneurs aren't the only ones who are mo... posted on Jul 23 2013, 23,571 reads


Radical Joy for Hard Times
Have you ever loved a place that isn't there anymore? Maybe you had an unkempt field made for exploring, or a patch of woods that was as familiar as your front door and then a fire, flood or bulldozers wiped it away. Trebbe Johnson, founder of "Radical Joy for Hard Times" explores the loss of natural spaces and how we can give back in order to help heal the earth and our own personal cuts and brui... posted on Jul 22 2013, 18,309 reads


The Keys To Self-Acceptance
Self-criticism is so common that it is often taken for granted. It is the voice that urges you to stay up late to get work done, and then scolds you for not getting enough sleep when you feel tired the next morning. This pattern of self-criticism leads to misery more often than motivation. Self-compassion, on the other hand, has been associated with happier, more optimistic, and more productive li... posted on Jul 21 2013, 68,900 reads


Soul Surfer: Braving Life's Sharks
Kara Holden, screenwriter of the film "Soul Surfer" offers an eloquent reflection inspired by a conversation with Bethany Hamilton on whose life the film is based. Bethany is a surfer who lost her arm in a horrific shark attack. She valiantly returned to surfing less than a month after the incident and would go on to win numerous championships. In this piece the author probes into the reasoning be... posted on Jul 20 2013, 42,359 reads


What The Outside Can Do For The Inside
"The balancing, breathing, and centering of yoga bring immediate results to prisoners, according to Natalie Smith, executive director of Yoga Behind Bars, a nonprofit that promotes yoga to help soothe the rage, anxiety, and hopelessness of life in prison. " Incarceration is an ineffective band-aid for many other problems -- homelessness, mental health issues, drug addictions. Antisocial behaviors ... posted on Jul 19 2013, 12,028 reads


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Perhaps the only limits to the human mind are those we believe in.
Willis Harman

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